Digital Agency Jakarta

Of Web Traffic Originates fromSearch Engines

The Great Digital Marketing Agency - Arfadia, acts as a long-term partner in your success. Arfadia is flexible, creative, adapts to new technology, results oriented, certified, and very experienced. Arfadia does not have a one strategy approach for all businesses - but Arfadia will spend time analyzing and building a strategic plan that is suitable for your business.

Digital marketing starts from the design of a site. To construct a great content-rich website takes planning. A competent designer uses online architectural design principles, combining information delivery and techniques that search engines easily 'crawl' the website.

Having proper site architecture is vital to online internet marketing of a site that will attract and also satisfy visitors. Simply put, designing an award winning website is not enough. Your site needs to be placed in front of potential visitors or they will not know you exist.

Our Digital Marketing Strategy services includes the integration of focused traffic-generation tactics that are vital to the success of your site. Without smart marketing, any great website will fail.

We have a strategy that includes multiple steps to achieve the desired goals in getting potential new customers. We work according to our ways, how we've applied to our clients, a way we know works!

Our Marketing Service are :

  • Communication Strategy
  • Digital Blueprint Strategy
  • Channel Strategy (360 degree)
  • Content Pillar
  • Visual Style and Guideline
  • Campaign Theme
  • Digital Activity (with Influencer)
  • Visibility In Social Media
  • KOL / Influencer Marketing Activity
  • Search Engine Optimization All In One (Google Search Domination)
  • Google Maps Optimization and Local Citation
  • Online Reputation Marketing
  • Article (Content Marketing) Production
  • Graphic / Motion Design
  • Media Press Release, Distribution, and Monitoring
  • Email Marketing
  • Paid Advertising
  • Native Advertising
  • Social Media Maintenance, Campaign and Advertising
  • Data Management Platform (DMP)
  • Video Marketing Production and Distribution
  • Interactive Video (HTML5) Production
  • Web Design

The image below is Our Internet Marketing Process.

We don't work using out of date & ineffective processes. We work in our own way - a way we know works!

How the results obtained from Internet Marketing ?

See our Great Work or Contact Us for request a quote and we will respond quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Great Digital Marketing Agency - Arfadia, acts as a long-term partner in your success. Arfadia is flexible, creative, adapts to new technology, results oriented, certified, and very experienced. Arfadia does not have a one strategy approach for all businesses - but Arfadia will spend time analyzing and building a strategic plan that is suitable for your business.

  • Communication Strategy
  • Digital Blueprint Strategy
  • Channel Strategy (360 degree)
  • Content Pillar
  • Visual Style and Guideline
  • Campaign Theme
  • Digital Activity (with Influencer)
  • Visibility In Social Media
  • KOL / Influencer Marketing Activity
  • Search Engine Optimization All In One (Google Search Domination)
  • Google Maps Optimization and Local Citation
  • Online Reputation Marketing
  • Article (Content Marketing) Production
  • Graphic / Motion Design
  • Media Press Release, Distribution, and Monitoring
  • Email Marketing
  • Paid Advertising
  • Native Advertising
  • Social Media Maintenance, Campaign and Advertising
  • Data Management Platform (DMP)
  • Video Marketing Production and Distribution
  • Interactive Video (HTML5) Production
  • Web Design
  • E-Learning and LMS Procuduction
  • Tourism
  • Finance
  • Food
  • Retail
  • Training & Education (School, Colleges & Universities)
  • Healthcare
  • Automobile
  • Entertainment
  • Real Estate
  • Fashion
  • Legal
  • Small Business

Yes. Reputation Management reacts to bad reviews or competitors who will use negative marketing tactics. Online Reputation Marketing takes a proactive approach to building your brand and holding on to your market. We do this by increasing messages in news media, social media, videos and positive reviews on Google to display the exceptional service you provide to your customers. When people search your business on the internet, they will see all your satisfied customers listed on the top page of Google and Social Media. Arfadia has a lot of experience in this.

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PT. Arfadia Digital Indonesia

Raudha Building 2nd Floor.

JL. Kuningan Barat II No. 21, Mampang Prapatan.

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, 12710, Indonesia.

Phone : +628118867897

Whatsapp : +628118867897

E-mail : [email protected]

Arfadia | Digital Agency Jakarta